Installation of QT4 and KDevelop on ubuntu linux systems

First you have to add the repository of kdevelop

deb ./

into your sources.list file. Then you can install the new KDevelop after updating the package list (i.e. run apt-get update and install with apt-get install kdevelop).

After you have to install the automake.

sudo apt-get install automake

And now you are ready for installation the QT4 libraries

sudo apt-get install libqt4-core libqt4-dev libqt4-gui
qt4-dev-tools qt4-designer

The next step is to connect the KDevelop the QT4. So you have to open kdevelop and select

Project -> Project Options -> C++ Support -> Qt Options

then paste to "QMake binary" the qmake path "/usr/bin/qmake-qt4" and to the "Designer Binary" the designer path "/usr/bin/designer-qt4".

You are ready for building your first "Hello World" application using Qt.


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